I've been absent from this blog, but for good reason! Another Stacey adventure has hit the shelves, and has gone for re-print within three months of publication!
Please welcome the latest baby to the Stacey family, Stacey Goes to the Indian Heritage Centre. The Indian Heritage Centre is really new, and not many people know about it. If you have time, pop by this museum which showcases multifaceted Indian culture and the contributions of the Indian community to nation building.

In June, I had a few readings at pre-schools - Sparkle Tots at Telok Blangah, and Learning Vision at Changi Airport. At these two schools, I talked about the "Making Of" Stacey. I was really pleased to see that kids were intrigued about what goes on behind the scenes to making a book. Character development in particular was something all of them could relate to. A game of Spot the Differences proved that kids have become accustomed to how the real Stacey looks.