For some reason, I've had a record number of school invitations in the second half of this year and we're not even through yet! I'm glad because I've been so swamped with other work that I haven't been writing much this year. It's nice to keep in touch with my readers. Questions from the kids never fail to amaze me. The best one I've received in recent times from a 5 year old is "What can you do to help us write stories?"
Thank you to these schools who have hosted me:
Qi Fa Primary School for West Zone cluster
Riverside Primary School Kindergarten
Chen Li Kindergarten
Chongzheng Primary School
Odyssey The Global Pre-School at Fourth Avenue
I also gave a talk on writing picture books at Armour Publishing's Passionate Pen talk. The group of aspiring writers were passionate about their craft. Many had already been to writers' retreats and courses. Some of the ideas that came out of that class would make great picture books.

Picture courtesy of Armour Publishing
James and I will be at the Singapore Writer's Festival this year doing some workshops for Pre-Schools for Stacey Goes to the National Gallery Singapore. Bookings here.