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A mid-year catch up


Updated: Jul 29, 2021

Except for the cat and the bar graphs, this is pretty much me, every day.

Oh dear, it's already July! Where has the time gone.

Thought I'd just list here what I've been busy with. First of all, I have two upcoming titles that will be published later this year. One of them is a book that I've co-authored with a friend, Janice. It should be out by December 2021. We've been blessed that it has been awarded an NHB grant. What's that? A clue? The best description I can give it is "fractured nursery rhymes with a local twist"!

The second book that is in the pipeline is Maxilla. Yup, that's right, my first book. It's coming out in a new format to suit the publisher's reader system.

I also have been working with a tech company that is taking some of my titles and digitising them for an educational app. Can't share much about this yet!

I've been doing some online school visits and writing workshops, both one-to-one and for classes... Have to say, after more than a year of pandemic woes, I'm used to going online. This Saturday, I am the scheduled author at Tenopy's Ox-Ten Book Club.

Aside from this, my freelance writing gigs continue. I still write for The Pride (online publication of Singapore Kindness Movement) and I also have some ongoing writing projects with clients.

So I've been busy, and that's why haven't kept up with this blog. If you want to keep up with me, it's best to follow my Instagram account @filbertandfluff !


Copyright 2024 Lianne Ong
children's author books singapore writer

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